If you’re new to motorhome ownership, bought your vehicle second-hand, or have had it for several years without getting it checked, you may not realise you need a habitation check.
However, a habitation check is essential for ensuring your vehicle is safe to use, providing peace of mind for yourself and your family.
For newer vehicles, many manufacturers insist on an annual habitation check as part of the terms of their warranty, so getting one can protect your long-term investment too. We are a member of the Approved Workshop Scheme which is required in order to carry out manufacturer approved habitation checks.
At HabCheck, we offer a full habitation checking service for all motorhomes, caravans, campervans and RVs.
We follow the strictest of industry standards, plus manufacturer servicing guidelines, to ensure that every vehicle we inspect is checked thoroughly for damp, electrical and gas safety, window and door security and other essential aspects which keep your vehicle running smoothly.
Motorhome or caravan ownership is a sizeable long-term investment.
HabCheck can help you protect it.
View Pricing PlanWe are a privately-owned business and our group of companies forms the largest marketplace for motorhomes and caravans in the UK.
However, just like you, from time to time we also need to get habitation checks done on the motorhomes and caravans that pass through our business.
Unfortunately, the ad-hoc nature of our requirements never made it viable to employ a dedicated member of staff to carry out habitation checks, so again just like you, we used commercial service providers. Over the years, one of our great frustrations has been how difficult it is to get a habitation service done. We had to book-in a long way in advance and expend an enormous amount of time getting the motorhome or caravan to the habitation service centre, leaving it there for a few days and then having to go back to collect it. Sound familiar?
Eventually, we decided to do something about it. But
realising everyone had the same problem, instead of just employing an engineer
in-house, we decided to provide a service for all motorhome and caravan owners
that addresses the issues that all of us commonly complain about.
So here it is. A habitation service that:
We hope we have solved the problem of getting
convenient, professional habitation checks done for you and have made your life just
that little bit easier.
A recent case has highlighted the devastating consequences of failing to conduct proper gas safety checks—a reminder of why professional and certified inspections are absolutely essential.
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Building a service history with Habcheck maintains the value of your motorhome or caravan and makes it more saleable when the time comes.
It couldn't be easier to get a tow bar fitted. Just contact us and one of our trained engineers will come and fit it at your house or storage facility.
The AWS have written to us regarding manufacturer warranty servicing during Coronavirus. Here is what they have to say.
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